Movie recommendation app
Movie Recommend is a web app which helps users to discover their new favorite movies.
Task was to develop recommendation engine which gives results based on movie ratings, popularity and reviews. That was accomplished by scraping web, and using several api's.
Web, Phone, Tablet
Backend, Frontend, UI/UX
Web App
Node, TypeScript, React, Scss, MongoDB, Redis, Docker
Challenge was to build recommendation engine that gives results based on movie ratings, propulatity and reviews. First thing was to collect informations. So the way it was done is by scraping web, using several api's and storing informations into database. Next thing was to write a recommendation algorithm and the ability to include various filters. Because need of daily updating informations in database, there was need for separate service which performs various tasks in given time, like updating and adding movies, updating lists etc. So that ends with 3 apps (frontend, api and worker) containerized with docker. Frontend is built with React, Redux and styled with SASS. Backend and Worker are built with Node, TypeScript, MongoDB and Redis.